23/24 State KSA Reading Results: Elem - P: 41%, D: 12%; MS - P: 35%, D: 20%; HS - P: 31%, D: 19%
State KSA Math Results: Elem - P: 43%, D: 7%; MS - P 24%, D 11%; HS - P: 6%, D: 6%
22/23 KSA Result Links: State Site, District and School
Jackson Independent School District
940 Highland Avenue
Jackson, KY 41339
Students, their parents and employees of the Jackson Independent School District are hereby notified this school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, martial status, sex or disability in employment, educational programs, or activities as set forth in Title IX, Title VI and Section 504. Any person having inquiries concerning the Jackson Independent School District compliance with Title IX, Title VI, and Section 504 is directed to contact Christa Collins of the Jackson Independent Schools, 940 Highland Avenue, Jackson, Kentucky, 41339, telephone number (606)666-4979, who has been designated by the Jackson Independent School District to coordinate the district’s efforts to comply with Title IX, Title VI, and Section 504.
The vocational program offerings of the Jackson Independent Schools are provided to the Jackson Independent students and adults at the Breathitt County Area Vocational Education Center in Jackson. Program areas currently available in grades 9-12 are Business and Office, Agriscience, Technology Education, Family Consumer Science, and Alternative Vocational-Academic. Programs available at Kentucky Tech-Breathitt County AVEC include: Appliance Repair Technology, Auto Body Technology, Carpentry, Business and Office Systems, and Health Services.
The Jackson Independent Board of Education has approved the following process as a Formal Grievance Process for the disposition of any grievance by employee, student, or parent of a student.
Step One.
A grievance shall be filed in writing with the Title IX, Title VI, Section 504 Coordinator within fifteen (15) school days of the knowledge or alleged cause. The complainant shall set forth in writing the nature of the violation, and the dates it occurred. This complaint shall be made on the Formal Grievance Process Form which is available in the school principal’s office. The complainant must sign the form after completion.
Response: Mrs. Christa Collins, Coordinator, shall notify the complainant in writing within five (5) school days from the date of the written notice what (if any) action was/will be taken. If this determination is not satisfactory, the complainant may appeal to the next step if so desired.
Step Two.
The complainant may appeal in writing on the Formal Grievance Process Appeal Form which is available with each school principal. The written appeal must be filed within five (5) school days of the date of the coordinator’s response in Step 1. This written notice must contain all written information from the student and the coordinator’s response.
Response: The school principal will notify the complainant in writing within five (5) school days, from the date of the appeal, as to what action was/will be taken.
Step Three.
If the complainant is not satisfied with the action by the school principal in Step Two, the complainant may notify in writing within five (5) school days of response, the Superintendent of Schools, Jackson Independent, 940 Highland Avenue, Jackson, Kentucky, 41339, phone (606)666-4979. This written notice must identify the grievance and dates and all written information response from all previous steps.
Response: The Superintendent of Jackson Independent School District will notify the complainant in writing within twenty (20) school days of the date of the appeal letter in Step Three as to what action was/will be taken.
Step Four.
In the event that the complainant is still not satisfied with the action taken, the complainant may write, within five (5) days of the last response, the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 101 Marietta Tower, Suite 280, Atlanta, GA 30301.
If appeals are not made, it is assumed the decision at that level is accepted. In addition, the complainant, at any point in the grievance process, has the right to call the Equal Opportunities Coordinator in Frankfort, Kentucky (502)564-3472. This person serves only as a consultant.
“Caring and Learning with Quality and Equity for All”